"If we are going to have real peace, and win the war against violence, we must start with children. By settling disputes with their peers, children gain an understanding of how to respect the needs of others while meeting their own needs. They learn that there is often more than one 'right' side to a dispute, that feelings are important, and that there are many possible 'win-win' solutions."
—Betsy Evans
University of Massachusetts, M.ED, Early Childhood, 1986
HighScope Lead Teacher and Teacher-Training Program, 1989
Trained Adult Mediation Program, 1996, The Mediation and Training Collaborative, Greenfield, MA.
Author, You Can’t Come to My Birthday Party! Conflict Resolution for Young Children, 2002.
Author, I Know What’s Next! Preschool Transitions Without Tears or Turmoil
Author: You Aren’t My Friend Anymore! Illustrated Answers to Questions about Young Children’s Challenging Behaviors, November 2009 from HighScope Press
Script author & Director, DVD, It’s Mine! Responding to Problems and Conflicts, 2002.
Script author & Co-producer, DVD, I Want All the Turns! Supporting Young Children in Resolving Conflicts, 1998.
1990–present, Field Consultant, HighScope Educational Research Foundation. Training of early childhood teachers, administrators, and teacher-trainers, US, UK, Chile, Mexico, Portugal, Canada, and Lebanon.
2002–2007, Behavioral Consultant, Fitchburg Public Schools.
1977–present, Early Childhood Consultant and Conflict Resolution Specialist. Training of early childhood teachers, administrators, and parents.
1998–present, Program Consultant for the Giving Tree School.
1976–present, Founding Officer, President, Giving Tree School, a non-profit educational organization.
1976–1998, Director/Lead Teacher, Giving Tree School.
1974–76, Family Day Care Provider.
1974, Teacher, Brattleboro Child Development Center.