Betsy Evans Books & DVDs
You Can’t Come to My Party!

Soft Cover, $35.00
Conflict Resolution With Young Children, 2nd Ed.
Children's conflicts over toys, space, and friendship create many challenges for teachers and parents. This book presents a useful and effective six-step mediation process adults can use to support young children at these tense and emotional times. It includes more than 50 actual stories of conflict experiences from preschools, nursery schools, Head Start centers, elementary schools, and homes. Through these stories and the accompanying photos of conflict resolution in action, readers can "see and hear" real children resolving disputes successfully, guided by adults using the six-step process.
Using this book as a guide, teachers and parents will have the strategies in hand to make the most of these valuable learning opportunities, whether the children they are caring for are toddlers, preschoolers, or school-aged children.
Betsy Evans, Soft cover, photos, 368 pages, ISBN: 978-1-57379-730-6 , Price: $35.00